I Gave Birth Initiative

Our CMIH team collaborates with North Carolina hospitals, clinics, and communities to provide free training on maternal warning signs during pregnancy and 1 year postpartum to provide assistance with planning and implementation of obstetric emergency protocols.

Clinic Partners

Our partners provide quality perinatal care to women across North Carolina. We aim to continually strengthen and improve this collaboration. Learn about meetings.

COVID-19 Maternal Health Resources

Find resources to care for your patients, including information on home blood pressure monitoring, post-birth warning signs, & breastfeeding.

Incarcerated Women's Health

CMIH is working with partners across the state, including those with lived experience to develop materials and trainings to best address care for pregnant and postpartum in NC jails and prisons.

Our Programs & Resources

NewMomHealth.com (4th Trimester) Resources for New Moms

NewMomHealth.com is the first postpartum self-care website designed by mothers, for new mothers. This is a comprehensive resource for new moms. You can also learn more about how this site came to be through our PCORI project which brought mothers, activists, researchers and clinicians together to design research studies to improve postpartum wellness.

Safe Sleep NC

Safe Sleep NC is a program of the CMIH. The goal of Safe Sleep NC is to strengthen the adoption of infant safe sleep practices that prevent infant sleep-related deaths and that reduce the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) across the state.

Before and Beyond

Before and Beyond is a clinical resource and training tool for healthcare providers, managed by the National Preconception Health and Health Care Initiative (PCHHC) clinical workgroup.

You Quit,
Two Quit

You Quit, Two Quit aims to ensure that there is a comprehensive system in place to screen and treat pregnant and postpartum women for tobacco use.