OB Algorithms
Acute Preterm Labor
Alloimmunization I: Positive Maternal Red Cell Antibody Screen
Alloimmunization II: Determination of Fetal Risk for Hemolytic Disease of the Fetus _ Newborn
Alloimmunization III_ Managment of Alloimmunized Pregnancy with at Risk Fetus
Alloimmunization References
Anemia Diagnosis
Anemia Treatment of FE Deficiency
Aneuploidy Screening
Antenatal Corticosteroids: Late Preterm
Antenatal Testing for Women Over 40
Antenatal Testing Guidelines
Antenatal Testing in Pregnancy Suggestions
Arranging for Bilateral Tubal Ligation at UNC
Asymptomatic Testing for UNC L&D Patients: Provider Information
Bariatric Surgery and Pregnancy
Carrier Screening Recommendations
Chronic Hypertension in Pregnancy
Complicated Monochorionic Twin Pregnancy
COVID-19 Specific Genetic Counseling Scheduling Guidelines
COVID-19 UNC OB MFM Outpatient Clinic Guidelines
Critical Care in Pregnancy
Diabetes in Pregnancy References
Diabetic Ketoacidosis
Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale | en español
Estimation of Gestational Age (EGA)
Fetal ECHO Indications
Fetal Growth Restriction (Singleton)
Furosemide use in Hypertensive Disorders of Pregnancy
Gastroschisis: Antenatal Surveillance
GBS for Preterm and Term Pregnancies / Penicillin Allergy
GBS for Term Pregnancies
GBS: Preterm Labor
Gestational Diabetes (Diagnosis)
Gestational Diabetes Class A1: Antepartum Management
Gestational Diabetes Class A2: Antepartum Management
Gestational Diabetes Class A2: Postpartum Management
Gestational Diabetes Requiring Medication Therapy
Having Your Baby at UNC Women’s Hospital During COVID19 Pandemic
Hemoglobinopathy Screening
Hepatitis C and Pregnancy
Herpes Simples Virus (HSV)
HIV in Pregnancy
Hyperemesis Gravidarum
Immunization Schedule (CDC)
Induction of Labor Scheduling Guidelines
Infant Feeding for Individuals with HIV Protocol
Influenza Prophylaxis & and Post-exposure Chemoprophylaxis
Influenza Treatment
Intrauterine Fetal Demise >20 weeks gestation
L&D Perinatal Emergency Checklist
Labor After Cesarean: Antepartum Risk Calculator
Labor After Cesarean: Counseling
Labor After Cesarean: Intrapartum Risk Calculator
Lactation Pain Associated Protocol
Late Preterm NICU Admissions Calculator
Magnesium Sulfate for Neuroprotection
Management of Anti-SSA or SSB in Positive Pregnant People
Management of Thromboembolic Disease in Pregnancy
Massive Transfusion Guidelines
Mastitis Not Responding To Antibiotics / Suspected Abscess (Page 3)
Maternal Comorbidities and Levels of Care
Medication Use in Pregnancy and Lactation
Medications in Lactation
Neonatal Levels of Care
Neural Tube Defects: Management & Referrals
Non-Invasive Prenatal Screening Calculator – NIPS
Notifying UNC OBGYN of COVID 19+ Patients
Nuchal Translucency and Cystic Hygroma
Obesity in Pregnancy Guideline
Obstetric Interventions Prior to 26 Weeks Gestation
Outpatient Severe Hypertension -Antepartum
Outpatient Severe Hypertension- Postpartum
Parvovirus (B19)
Patient information sheet: Preterm PROM 34-36.6 weeks | en español
Penicillin Allergy
Perinatal Depression Screening and Management
Perinatal Psychiatry Resources
Peripartum Hemorrhage Risk Assessment
Placenta Accreta Spectrum (PAS) Checklist -L&D
Placenta Accreta Spectrum Guidelines
Post-Term Induction Scheduling Form
Post-Term Induction Scheduling Guidelines
Postpartum Pain Management at Discharge
PPH Hemorrhage Checklist -1
PPH Hemorrhage Checklist -2
Pre-existing Diabetes
Pre-existing Diabetes Management in Pregnancy
Premature PROM 24-33.6 weeks
Prenatal Records: Flow Sheet for Sending to UNC
Preterm Birth 22-25 Weeks Outcome Calculator
Preterm Birth Prevention in Twins
Preterm PROM 34-36.6 weeks
Prevention of GBS Early Onset Disease in Newborns
Prevention of Preterm Birth: Singleton Gestation with History of Spontaneous Preterm Birth 34 0/7-36 6/7 Weeks
Prevention of Preterm Birth: Singleton Gestation, History of Prior Singleton Spontaneous Preterm Birth 16 0/7-33 6/7 Weeks
Prevention of Spontaneous Preterm Birth: Singleton Gestation, No History of Preterm Birth
Quantitative Blood Loss (QBL) Algorithm
Radiologic Imaging of Pregnant or Lactating Patients
Repeat C-Section Referral and Checklist
RSV Vaccination in Pregnancy
Screening for Syphilis
Sickle Cell Disease and Pregnancy
Targeted Ultrasound Indications
Third Stage of Labor
Thromboembolic Disease- Inpatient
Tip Sheet for Completing the Medicaid Consent for Sterilization Form
Trisomy 13, Trisomy 18: Discharge Checklist for Trisomy 13/18
Trisomy 13, Trisomy 18: Guide to Using Neutral Language
Trisomy 13, Trisomy 18: Overview of Shared Decision-Making
Tuberculosis Infection in Pregnancy
Twin Pregnancy Ultrasound Evaluation
Umbilical Vein Varix
Universal Early Screening of Diabetes
Patient Education Materials
17P and Preterm Birth | en español
17P: A Chance for Prevention (Video with Dr. Menard & Dr. Meis)
17P: Footprints of Hope–video of women discussing preterm birth
17P: Footprints of Hope–video of women discussing preterm birth | en español
Anemia Prevention Tips | en español
Arranging for Bilateral Tubal Ligation at UNC
Birth Control After Baby | en español
Blocked Ducts | en español
Breast Abscess | en español
Breastfeeding and Formula | en español
C-section | en español
C-Section Brochure: Doula Support During Your Cesarean Birth | en español
C-section, Elective | en español
Caring for You and Your Baby | en español
Catheters | en español
Chickenpox in Pregnancy | en español
Choroid Plexus Cysts | en español
Cleft Lip and Palate | en español
Contact Dermatitis | en español
Cord Blood Banking | en español
Count to Ten Method (Instructions for Patients)
Depo Provera | en español
Diabetes In Pregnancy 2022 | en español
Donor Human Milk Fact Sheet: General Information | en español
Donor Human Milk Fact Sheet: Treatment of Hypoglycemia | en español
Doulas | en español
Ductal Infection | en español
First Trimester Screening | en español
Food Precautions: Fish | en español
Food Precautions: Listeriosis | en español
Functional Pain | en español
Genetic testing and carrier screening (brochure) | en español
Gestational Diabetes | en español
Having Your Baby at UNC Women’s Hospital During COVID19 Pandemic
Heart –UNC Children’s Heart Center Brochure
Hemolytic Disease of the Fetus/Newborn
HIV Testing | en español
Hyperbilirubinemia (Jaundice) | en español
IPP LARC: Learning About Your Hormonal IUD
IPP LARC: Learning About Your Nexplanon Implant
IPP LARC: Learning About Your Non-Hormonal (Paraguard) Device
Iron Deficiency: Nutrition | en español
Iron Supplements | en español
Irritant Dermatitis | en español
Kick Counts (Instructions for Patients)
Laboring with Few or No Pain Medicines | en español
Lactation after Loss | en español
Mastitis | en español
Maternal Serum Screening
Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome (NAS) Brochure | en español
Nipple infection | en español
Nitrous Oxide in Labor and Delivery
Non-invasive prenatal testing by cell-free fetal DNA in maternal circulation – NIPT | en español
Oversupply | en español
Pain Management After a Cesarean (C-section) | en español
Pain Management: Epidural | en español
Patient Education Materials: Perinatal Tobacco Use
Perinatal Mood Disorders (including Postpartum Depression) | en español
Peritoneal Port Catheter | en español
Placental Abruption | en español
Preconception Booklet: Looking Back, Moving Forward
Preconception Summary: Looking Back, Moving Forward
Prenatal Labs | en español
Prenatal Screening Options: Maternal Serum Screening
Prenatal Screening Options: Prenatal ultrasound
Prenatal Screening Options: Amniocentesis
Prenatal Screening Options: cfDNA (cell free DNA)
Prenatal Screening Options: Choosing the right option for you
Prenatal Screening Options: Chorionic Villus Sampling (CVS)
Prenatal Screening Options: What conditions can be screened for in pregnancy?
Preparing for Your Baby’s Cesarean Birth | en español
Preterm Premature Rupture of Membranes | en español
Prevention of Preterm Birth Video with Dr. Goodnight
Pumping | en español
Ready Set Baby Virtual Class Schedule | en español
Safe Surrender | en español
Second trimester maternal serum screening (MSS or Quad screen) | en español
Secondhand Smoke and Newborns | en español
Sore Nipples | en español
Spanish Virtual Classes and Maternity Tours of NC Women’s Hospital
Taking care of YOU, Your Postpartum Health and Visit | en español
Trisomy 13, Trisomy 18: FAQ
Trisomy 13, Trisomy 18: Resources
Twin Twin Transfusion Syndrome | en español
Umbilical Cord Blood Collection (Public vs Private)
Urinary Self-Catheterization | en español
Use of Medications in Pregnancy | en español
Vasospasm | en español
Yeast Infection of the Breast | en español
Referral and Clinic Documents
17P: How To Administer
Aetna: Coverage for Breast Pumps
AFP Recalculation Form
Arranging for Bilateral Tubal Ligation at UNC
Arranging for TOLAC at UNC Hospitals
Asymptomatic Testing for UNC L&D Patients: Provider Information
Billing Guidance: Perinatal Tobacco Use
Breastmilk and Nipple Culture Collection Protocol
Cigna: Coverage for Breast Pumps
Clinic Partner Tip Sheet for Medicaid Sterilization Form Completion
Clinical Update on Progesterone
COVID-19 Specific Genetic Counseling Scheduling Guidelines
Diabetes Clinic: Preparing your patient: Diet Recall Sheet | en español
For your first lactation visit, online intake form (preferred, takes 20-30 min to complete)
For your first lactation visit, print intake form (if you prefer paper version, print out and complete)
For your return lactation visit
General Information About Pump Coverage
Having Your Baby at UNC Women’s Hospital During COVID19 Pandemic
High Risk (including Diabetes) Clinic Referral Form
Induction of Labor Scheduling Guidelines
Interpreter Attestation for Medicaid Consent for Sterilization
Interpreter Attestation Form Example
Lactation Consult Clinical Impression and Plan Form
Lactation Consult Evaluation Form
Mastitis Phone Triage Protocol
Medcost: Coverage for Breast Pumps
Medicaid Sterilization Consent Form Example (not for self-pay patients)
North Carolina American College of Nurse Midwives 2010 Retreat
North Carolina Blue Cross / Blue Shield: Coverage for Breast Pumps
North Carolina Strategic Plan 2008-2013
Notifying UNC OBGYN of COVID 19+ Patients
Outpatient Pre-Visit Instructions
Pain Phone Triage Protocol (Page 13)
Photography in Labor and Delivery | en español
Post-Term Induction Scheduling Form
Post-Term Induction Scheduling Guidelines
Prenatal 5 A’s Intervention Record
Prenatal Oral Health Care
Prenatal Oral Health Care Referral Process
Prenatal Records: Flow Sheet for Sending to UNC
Ready Set Baby Virtual Class Schedule | en español
Referral Resources (Lactation)
Repeat C-Section Referral and Checklist
State Health Plan — CDHP: Coverage for Breast Pumps
State Health Plan 70/30: Coverage for Breast Pumps
State Health Plan 80/20: Coverage for Breast Pumps
Tip Sheet for Completing the Medicaid Consent for Sterilization Form
Tricare: Coverage for Breast Pumps
UNC OBGYN and Clinic Partner Map
UNC OBGYN Clinic Referral Form
UNC Student Blue: Coverage for Breast Pumps
UNC US and MFM Specialty Referral Form
United: Coverage for Breast Pumps
WIC/Medicaid: Coverage for Breast Pumps
Pregnancy Medical Home (CCNC)
Appendix A. Low-Dose Aspirin for the Prevention of Morbidity and Mortality from Preeclampsia
Appendix B. Ongoing Health Insurance Coverage and Care Beyond the Postpartum Period
Appendix B. Patient Education Materials: Management Of Hypertensive Disorders Of Pregnancy
Appendix C. Medicaid Reimbursement in the Postpartum Period
Appendix C. Provider Resources: Management of Hypertensive Disorders of Pregnancy
Appendix D. Resources for Postpartum Care
Billing Guidance: Perinatal Tobacco Use
CAPTA, reporting of substance-exposed pregnancies, and sample script for PMH providers
CCNC Pregnancy Medical Home Care Pathways:Progesterone Treatment and Cervical Length Screening
Disclosure of information related to substance use for PMH providers
Flowchart: Induction of Labor (IOL) Pathway for Nulliparous Patients
Flowchart: Management of Hypertensive Disorders of Pregnancy
Flowchart: Management of Perinatal Tobacco Use
Flowchart: Progesterone Treatment and Cervical Length Screening
Management of Hypertensive Disorders of Pregnancy
Management of Obesity Table
Management of Opioid Use in Pregnancy
Management of Perinatal Tobacco Use
Management of Substance Use in Pregnancy
NC Perinatal & Maternal Substance Abuse Initiative
Pain Contracts/ Treatment Agreements
Patient Education Materials: Perinatal Tobacco Use
Patient Education Materials: Progesterone Treatment and Cervical Length Screening
Patient Education Resources: Substance Use in Pregnancy
PMH Care Pathway: Induction of Labor in Nulliparous Women
PMH Care Pathway: Management of Obesity in Pregnancy
PMH Care Pathway: Postpartum Care and the Transition to Well Woman Care
Prescribing buprenorphine in pregnancy
Progesterone Treatment and Cervical Length Screening
Provider Resources: Progesterone Treatment and Cervical Length Screening
Provider Resources: Substance Use in Pregnancy
Recording: Management of Hypertensive Disorders of Pregnancy
Recording: Management of Perinatal Tobacco Use
Recording: Management of Substance Use in Pregnancy
Recording: Prevention of Preterm Birth: Cervical Ultrasound Screening
Recording: Prevention of Preterm Birth: Progesterone Therapy
Recording: Reproductive Life Planning and Postpartum LARC in the Medicaid Population
Reimbursement and coverage of substance abuse services for pregnant women
Resources for Providers: Perinatal Tobacco Use
Slides: Management of Hypertensive Disorders of Pregnancy
Slides: Management of Perinatal Tobacco Use
Slides: Management of Substance Use in Pregnancy
Slides: Postpartum Care and the Transition to Well Woman Care
Slides: Prevention of Preterm Birth: Cervical Ultrasound Screening
Slides: Prevention of Preterm Birth: Progesterone Therapy
Slides: Reproductive Life Planning and the Use of Postpartum LARC
Strategies and Scripts for Brief Interventions for PMH Providers
Summary Recommendations: Opioid Use in Pregnancy
Summary: Management of Substance Use in Pregnancy
Urine Drug Screening Guidance for PMH Providers
Use of the North Carolina Controlled Substances Reporting System
Webinar recording: Enhanced Prenatal Care for Twin Pregnancy
Webinar recording: Management of Obesity in Pregnancy
Webinar slides: Enhanced Prenatal Care for Twin Pregnancy
Webinar slides: Management of Obesity in Pregnancy